This is the story of a girl, a horse and the end of all things.
But really, it’s just a story about absence…
On Hiatus
As 2023 ends, we are on hiatus until further notice. We thank you for your patience and hope to return to Alice’s adventures very soon.
CURRENT ARC: The Seawood Forest
With the Queen lost, the Devil and Hanged Woman gone their separate ways, the remaining weary few of the Party of the Discarded press on toward Waite. Alice, drained from her previous battles, finds herself caught amidst visions of the world she left behind, as she meets yet more strange beings who impress upon her a single, important truth- that this is no dream!
PREVIOUS ARC: The Queen’s Arc
As Alice and the remaining members of the Party of the Discarded rush toward Waite, the City of Dreams, we follow the mysterious and deadly Queen of Swords as she faces her destiny in a duel with the Major Arcana Justice. Through flashbacks we learn of her lost house, her martial ascent- and the implications of the strange blood that flows through her veins; blood that signifies a path that will elevate her well above her station. We see the House of Swords fall to the Sun, and watch as the Queen of Swords holds the crown for mere seconds before losing it. Now, outcast from her house and twice beaten by her rival, Justice, she returns to her teacher, the Major Arcana Strength, to finish the training she started many years ago.
Episode 77: The Coin & Blade Return
We look in on the activities of the fell knights of Swords and Pentacles
Enjoy our latest episode!
Crasherfly (he/him) went to school for theatre.
Then he entered the real world and learned that no one pays people for theatre work.
So he went out and got a “real job”.
He occasionally writes work for personal blogs covering a wide range of subjects including film, anime, dungeons and dragons, video games, and, strangely, fantasy football.
Crasherfly still works a “real job” now that has nothing to do with writing. But in his spare time he enjoys video games, anime, lego building, dungeons and dragons and the occasional hard boiled detective novel.
His work is his own and any resemblance to real persons, places or things is coincidental.